Bra makers parody Disney musicals in new commercials

Swiss underwear and lingerie manufacturer Triumph created a two-minute CGI spoof of Disney musicals for its latest campaign to sell bras. “The perfect bra and Prince Charming have a lot in common,” the spot's writer and director Tobias Fueter of Stories AG told Campaign. “Almost every woman dreams of finally finding the right one.”

“By transforming our model, Hannah [Ferguson], into a cartoon we are treading new ground and by doing so, we aim to create a compelling visual experience that captures the magical feeling of finding the right bra that transforms your life-'the one,'” said Triumph's head of brand marketing Eszter Szijarto.

Triumph chose to use animation for the spot, Tobias Fueter explained, because “women easily identify with animated characters, which explains the success of animated fairy tales all over the world.” Fueter, who also knows a thing or two about French people, said that if you're going to do animation with a fashion theme, then you can't go wrong by hiring the French because “they really have the style…they know the girls, they love beautiful things.”

Here's a few making-of videos on the animation and music production: