

Data of the holder

  • Responsible Identity: Nakamas Web SL
  • Trade name: Nakamas Web
  • NIF/CIF: ESB01855279
  • Email: [email protected]

Acceptance of the Terms of Service and Community Rules detailed below:


  1. Acceptance of these terms of service ("Terms of Service") is a binding legal agreement between you and the COMPANY regarding the use of the Website and all the products or services available on the Website. Please read these Terms of Service carefully. By accessing or using the Website, you express your agreement with (1) the Terms of Service, and (2) the Community Rules incorporated and detailed in these general conditions.
  2. Updating the Terms of Service. Although we will attempt to notify readers when major changes are made to these Terms of Service, you should periodically review the most current, current version of the Terms of Service. The COMPANY, at its discretion, may modify or revise these Terms of Service and Policies at any time, and you agree that you will be bound by these modifications or revisions.
  3. These Terms of Service apply to all users of the Website, including users who participate by providing content such as images, information and other materials or services on the Website.
  4. The COMPANY reserves the right to modify any aspect of the Website at any time.

Community Standards

  1. The User agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service, Community Rules, and all local, national and international regulations.
  2. The User agrees not to impersonate another person or organization, which may constitute a crime of identity theft in accordance with the Spanish Penal Code.
  3. The User agrees not to harass any other user and use respectful and non-offensive language with other Users.
  4. The User agrees not to circumvent, deactivate or interfere with the security-related functions of the Website that prevent or limit the use or copy of any Content or enforce the limitations of the use of the Website or its Content therein.
  5. The use of the signature or avatar is not allowed as a means of promoting or advertising products, services, affiliate programs or websites, in the event that they contain advertising or have commercial purposes.
  6. The use of multiple accounts by the same user is not allowed except in exceptional cases authorized by an administrator or justified reasons (multiple users on the same computer, etc.). The detection of this fact can lead to the blocking of all the accounts associated with the same user and / or permanent blocking of access.
  7. The use of this website as a means of organizing attacks or spam on any type of service (forums, websites, etc.) is not permitted. This type of content may be removed and accounts that do not comply with this rule may also be canceled.
  8. The administrator and moderators of the website have the right to delete, edit, move or close any content and / or user account that fails to comply with any of the rules and obligations described in these legal terms or may be considered inappropriate by the COMPANY.
  9. Messages with threats, serious insults or any other type of comment that may hurt the recipient's sensitivity are not admissible. In such case, we reserve the right to notify the relevant authorities.
  10. User submissions must comply with the Google Adsense Content Policy. If a contribution does not comply with it, it may be eliminated.
  11. You agree that your behavior on the Website complies with the rules of the community that will be updated periodically. We ask that you periodically consult them.

Intellectual and industrial property of the Website

  1. The COMPANY is the owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights, or has obtained the corresponding authorizations or licenses for its exploitation, on the domain name, the trademarks and distinctive signs, the application and the rest of works and inventions associated with the site. website and the technology associated with it, as well as its contents, with the exception of the works and content generated by users, which belong to their corresponding authors, without prejudice to the exploitation rights of the same that correspond to the COMPANY.
  2. The contents of this website, including designs, applications, text, images, comics and source code ("Content"), are protected by intellectual property rights.
  3. The content of the Website is provided AS IS for your personal information and use only and may not be used, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed, or exploited for any other purpose without prior written consent. of the respective holders. The website reserves all rights not expressly in and for the Website and the contents. You agree not to participate in the use, copy or distribution of any content that is not expressly allowed here, including any use, copy, or distribution of third-party User Files obtained through the Website for commercial uses. If you download or print a copy of the content for personal use, you must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained therein.
  4. THE COMPANY does not voluntarily transfer or share the publications made here by users. If you consider that the content of the WEBSITE is being copied or distributed on other websites or applications, we recommend that you stop visiting those websites that copy the content and harm users who have originally published on this WEBSITE. The content here exposed is provided publicly only by the users of the WEBSITE for personal use and no copy or use of this content is transferred, sold or used by any third party website or application.
  5. The ownership of the content, responses and comments entered by users belongs to their corresponding authors. The COMPANY is not responsible for the opinions issued by the authors of such content.
  6. In the event that you request the COMPANY to obtain the information –including texts, images and any other work subject to intellectual or industrial property rights- associated with your profile on other social networks, groups, forums or services, through the communication of your username, the COMPANY will initiate the necessary technical measures to fulfill said mandate, obtaining the public and / or private data associated with your profile on your behalf and representation, and linking to your profile on the websites corresponding. The COMPANY does not assume any responsibility derived from the use that you. or other users may carry out the information obtained in compliance with the mandate described in this section. The user will be solely responsible for the use of the information obtained through the described procedure and must take the appropriate measures to prevent such use from constituting an infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties.
  7. The brands of third parties that may eventually appear on the website belong to the third party owners of the same.

Intellectual Property of User Files

  1. You can send images and text ("User Comments") to the Website. The photos, comments or any other work or material that users incorporate are collectively known as "User Archives".
  2. 2. You agree that in the event that said User Files are published, they will be made freely available to other users of the Website, without limitation.
  3. The User is solely responsible for the User Files submitted and accepts the consequences of its sending to the Website and its publication. The user affirms, and / or guarantees to be the owner and / or to have all the necessary rights for the publication of the User files on the Website, authorizing, therefore, the company for its public communication, use and exploitation in the in a way they deem appropriate, without any geographical or temporal limitation.
  4. Said authorization, which, as the case may be, shall take the legal form of perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, free, sub-license and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, modify, adapt, translate and, in any other way, exploit the User Files, including the promotion and redistribution of part or all of the Website in any format and through any communication channel.
  5. Any third party other than the COMPANY or the physical or legal persons expressly authorized by it that intend to extract, use, publish or exploit, in any way, the content generated by users, must obtain, prior and expressly, the consent of their holders or, where appropriate, the COMPANY.
  6. The User agrees not to present any material that has intellectual or industrial property rights or that are protected by commercial secrecy or any other type, including privacy and advertising rights, except in the case that he is the owner of said rights or have the permission of the owner to publish the material and grant the Website all the license rights granted in this document.

Copyright / Intellectual property

If you are a copyright owner or an agent of the copyright owner and believe that a user submission or other content on our website infringes your copyright, copyright, you may submit a report. of abuse or DMCA to [email protected] for your review. We do not need you to send a formal DMCA, a simple email explaining that the subject is sufficient. An email by DMCA requires the following information: a physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the holder of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringing copyright infringing copyright information sufficiently to establish contact with you, such like: address,

Liability exclusion

  1. The User understands that by using the Website, the COMPANY is not responsible for the accuracy, usefulness, security or intellectual property rights of or in relation to the User Files. The User understands and acknowledges that the User Files may be inaccurate, offensive and in some cases be indecent or objectionable.
  2. The Website may contain links to third party websites that are not owned or controlled by the COMPANY, which has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of third party websites. Furthermore, the COMPANY cannot censor or edit the content of any third party site. By using the Website, you expressly exclude the COMPANY from all and any liability arising from the use of any third-party website.
  3. The COMPANY does not share or endorse, in an enumerative but not limitative way, the user submissions or the entries, comments, recommendations, advice and opinions expressed in the User Files, the COMPANY being exempt from any responsibility that may be caused by the publication in the Website of the Archives of the Users.
  4. The Website does not allow copyright infringing activities on its Website, and the COMPANY has the power to delete all content and user submissions that infringe these rights. The Website reserves the right to delete User Content without prior notice, in case there are doubts about compliance with these terms of use.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The obligations, rights and conditions described in this document are subject to Spanish legislation, in case of conflict, the competent courts and tribunals will be those of Almería.

Last Update: 16/04/2020