2008 Gobelin student films

French animation school Gobelins has released the latest batch of their student films. From a purely technical standpoint, the quality of this school's work never ceases to amaze me. It's certainly better than a lot of professional work that comes my way. My personal favorite in the current crop is California Love, a CG short with the design sensibilities and expressiveness of hand-drawn animation. The film was created by Lucie Arnissolle, Yann Boyer, Vincent Mahe, Mael Gourmelen and Stephen Vuillemin. At the film's website CaliforniaLove-LeFilm.com, you can see various 'making of' videos showing the individual contributions of each of the team members. Solid work all around.

Another curious entry is For Sock's Sake, which is a stop-motion short produced by one person, Carlo Vogele. Though Vogele graduated from Gobelins, he made this film during an exchange semester at CalArts. I've seen pieces of clothing anthropomorphized like this before but the quality of acting and personality in Vogele's animation is particularly impressive and shows a promising animator in the making.

(Thanks, Pete Shand)