Netflix and Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg have launched a free online course for aspiring animators and filmmakers

With animation tuition and recruitment disrupted by the ongoing coronavirus crisis, a number of enterprising schools and companies are launching online courses for the benefit of young artists stuck at home. Two free ones in particular have caught our attention.

The first is hosted by Netflix, by far the most active of the streaming platforms in producing animated content. The Netflix Animation Virtual Speaker Series is pitched at anyone looking to enter the animation industry. Over five days and six modules, creators, recruiters, and executives at the company will run through the stages of developing and pitching an animated project, as well as other useful information, such as how to catch a recruiter's eye.

Sessions start next Monday, April 27, and run through May 1. Space is limited. Confirm your interest here.

The second comes courtesy of Animationsinstitut, the animation program of Germany's renowned Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Drawing on the school's curriculum, Myself's Online Animation Mentoring will cover every stage of the creation of an animated project, from conception to completion, via a series of 26 Youtube videos that will be uploaded and removed on a weekly basis. Each video will be available to all and end by setting an exercise; viewers are invited to submit their work for feedback. It's in English.

More information here. Watch the first video, which is narrated by renowned animator Andreas Hykade (director of Animationsinstitut), below: