Exclusive Preview: "Animationism," a tongue-in-cheek look at the animation process

Cartoon Brew recently spoke with artist Mark Samsonowicz, who created the powerful animation for the independent film "We the Animals." [The project was Samsonovich's first professional job as an animator, and to mark the occasion, Josh Banville wrote and directed "Animationism," a three-minute short about Samsonovich's struggles with the new world of being an animator.

An exclusive premiere of the film can be seen below:

Samsonovich himself plays the role of an animator. Banville made this short in conjunction with the "We the Animals" promotional campaign, but the project stands alone as an interesting glimpse into the animation life that many readers will find relatable.

"We the Animals" is currently in theaters in the U.S. and Canada through distributor Orchard. See the film's website for tickets.