Anthropomorphic font grows a garden in Nata Metruff's “Regular”

Nata Metlukh's self-produced four-minute short “Regular,” although a work about fonts, features almost no text throughout its four-minute running time.

Set in the world of graphic design, the characters each represent a different font and work together to create a garden. Some of the text is normal, some bold, some italic, but each plays a role in the construction project.

Throughout the film, the laws of physics change, creating a playful atmosphere that is repeatedly rewarded with fun visual gags. Shots are cut in half, sometimes the same action is presented out of sync in each part, and objects interact with the edges of the screen as if they were physical boundaries.

Special kudos also go to Daruma Audio, the sound designers of the film. Every click, snap, and boom matches the action on the screen so beautifully that it seems as if it scratches an itch you didn't even know you had.

Regular is a short film that demands repeated viewings, as there is much to miss on first viewing, and Matlukh has also posted a behind-the-scenes page that further details the world of “Regular.”